Past Training Resources
Aim and learning outcomes:
This course will give you confidence when it comes to:
- When and how to share information with vulnerable members of the public about people in their life for safeguarding reasons without the consent of the subject.
- What the Data Protection Act says about sharing information without consent.
- Clare’s Law (DVDS) and Sarah’s Law (CSODS) – the Right to Ask and the Right to Know.
- Where to find guidance from the government about when and how to share this information appropriately.
- The protections that exist for you if you share such information without consent in an appropriate manner.
The course trainers are:
Jim Dineen – A police training sergeant in the MASH for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary. He has worked there for 2 years and trained approximately 2000 officers and staff (from Hampshire & IOW and Wiltshire Constabularies) and partners (from ASD, CSD and A&E departments) in various aspects of safeguarding and risk assessment.
Dee Hutchinson – A safeguarding staff manager in the MASH for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary whose team deal with all Right to Ask and Right to Know applications from members of the public and officers and staff. She has worked in safeguarding for 20 years and has been in charge of the Clare’s Law and Sarah’s Law police procedures since their inception.
Target audience:
This training session is aimed at any front-line practitioners working with children or adults at risk, including social workers, safeguarding leads, health workers, housing staff, teachers and those working in child care.
Recording of 2024 training:
Recordings of the online awareness sessions on the 4LSAB Multi Agency Risk Management Framework (MARM) which were held in 2023 are available at the following links. These sessions are relevant to professionals working with adults at risk in Portsmouth, Southampton, Hampshire or IOW.
Multi Agency Risk Management Framework overview
Multi Agency Risk Management Framework in Practice
Multi Agency Risk Management Framework – developing operational guidance
Recording of the 2024 Importance of Community Partnership Information Sharing training
Online training was held in February 2022 to mark the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.
FGM Zero Tolerance Day Recording