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Introduction to Safeguarding

The video below, produced in partnership with the four local safeguarding boards in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton, is a great introduction to safeguarding.

Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

The first step in keeping an adult at risk of harm safe is simple – it all starts with a conversation. If you’re worried about someone, let them know you are there to listen, and help if needed.

If people are worried that an adult is at risk of abuse or neglect they can reach out to Portsmouth Adult Safeguarding Team at or call 023 9268 0810.

If it is an emergency, call 999.

Adult safeguarding applies to adults over the age of 18 who have care and support needs and who are experiencing, or are at risk of, abuse or neglect.

This may be a person who:

  • is elderly and frail due to ill health, physical disability or cognitive impairment
  • has a learning disability
  • has a physical disability and/or a sensory impairment
  • has mental health needs including dementia or a personality disorder
  • has a long-term illness/condition
  • misuses substances or alcohol
  • is a carer, (family member/friend) and is subject to abuse
  • does not have capacity to make a decision and is in need of care and support.

Abuse or neglect can happen anywhere and can be carried out by anyone. This could be family, friends and neighbours, paid staff, carers or volunteers. It could also be other service users, tenants or strangers. Abuse or neglect is anything that harms another person and might include:

  • Physical abuse such as hitting, pushing, locking someone in a room.
  • Verbal abuse such as shouting, swearing.
  • Emotional abuse such as bullying, taunting or humiliating someone.
  • Sexual abuse such as inappropriate touching, forcing someone to take part in any sexual act against their will.
  • Financial abuse such as misusing, withholding or taking someone’s money.
  • Neglect such as not providing necessary food, care or medicine.
  • Discrimination such as ill treatment due to the person’s age, gender, disability or religious beliefs.
  • Self-neglect.

If you report a concern to the safeguarding team, they will:

  • Listen to you and take your concerns seriously
  • Make enquiries about the concerns you have raised
  • Consider the views and wishes of the adult at risk, which may involve talking directly to them, or supporting them with an advocate (someone to represent them) if they need one
  • Talk to other agencies that might need to be involved e.g., care homes, police, GP, other social workers
  • Refer the person to another agency for specialist support if required
  • Decide on the best way to keep the person safe now, and in the future
  • Support the adult to live their life the way they want, free from abuse

The Portsmouth Safeguarding Adults Board website has further information on reporting concerns, recognising the types or abuse or neglect, as well as short guides on best practice.