Policies & Procedures
The majority of Portsmouth Safeguarding Adults Board policies are developed and agreed with the Southampton, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Boards (the ‘4LSAB’) so that policies are consistent across the whole area.
While the 4LSAB are responsible for writing, updating and promoting these documents, they will only truly be effective if they are fully embedded into all organisations. The checklist below is intended for all organisations to use to ensure that a new or updated 4LSAB document is embedded in their own practice and procedures.
Safeguarding Concerns Guidance
- Multi-Agency Protocol for Pressure Ulcers and Adult Safeguarding – please note: the Department of Health and Social Care document referred to in the protocol was withdrawn in June 2023. The new document is available on the Government website. We are working on updating our protocol with the new link.
- Multi-Agency Protocol for Falls and Adult Safeguarding
- Printable version of tools (print single sided and laminate for quick reference)
- Introductory slides
- Case Studies:
Multi-Agency Risk Management Framework (see also Quick Guide to the Multi-Agency Risk Management Framework)
Tools to support the Multi-Agency Risk Management Framework:
Multi-Agency Guidance on Adult Safeguarding Roles and Responsibilities
Adult Sexual Exploitation Guidance
Practice Guidance: Adults who Disclose Non-recent Sexual Abuse and leaflet for the public
Escalation Protocol (see also One Minute Guide to the Escalation Protocol)
Family Approach Guidance (see also the Family Approach toolkit for practitioners and the YL case study)
Multi-Agency Fire Safety Framework
Multi-Agency Guidance on Honour Based Abuse, Forced Marriage and FGM
Multi-Agency Hoarding Guidance
Homelessness – 4LSAB Housing Practitioner Briefing
Large Scale S42 Safeguarding Enquiry Protocol
Multi-Agency Information Sharing Guidance
Multi-Agency Learning and Development Strategy for Safeguarding Adults
Framework for Managing Allegations Against People in a Position of Trust
Multi-agency guidance on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Multi-agency framework for managing risk and safeguarding people moving into adulthood
Multi-Agency Guidance on Prevention and Early Intervention
Guidance on Safeguarding Adults in Commissioned Services
Safeguarding Adults Review Policy
4LSAB Guidance on safeguarding in prisons and approved premises – UPDATED (December 2024)
Safeguarding Adults: raising a concern form
Use this form for current safeguarding concerns (to be submitted to the Portsmouth City Council Adult Safeguarding Team).