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Policies & Procedures

Logos for Hampshire, isle of Wight, Southampton and Portsmouth Safeguarding Adults Boards

The majority of Portsmouth Safeguarding Adults Board policies are developed and agreed with the Southampton, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Boards (the ‘4LSAB’)  so that policies are consistent across the whole area.

While the 4LSAB are responsible for writing, updating and promoting these documents, they will only truly be effective if they are fully embedded into all organisations. The checklist below is intended for all organisations to use to ensure that a new or updated 4LSAB document is embedded in their own practice and procedures.

Checklist for embedding 4LSAB policies and guidance

Safeguarding Concerns Guidance

Safeguarding Adults: raising a concern form

PCC Safeguarding Concern Form

Use this form for current safeguarding concerns (to be submitted to the Portsmouth City Council Adult Safeguarding Team).